it's 3.25 am in the morning and i haven't been able to sleep a wink! i've been tossing and turning in bed for almost 3 hours now, and with glen having to get up at 4.30 for work, i thought it was slightly unfair of me to keep him awake any longer. i'm now downstairs still in my pj's drinking my herbal sleepy time tea and listening to the creaks in the old house where i call home.
anyway with thanksgiving coming up i thought i would write a list to say what i'm thankful for, and to hopefully make me sleepy!
{p.s i'm also a little bit jealous that we don't have this holiday in the UK.}
- Thankful for my mum who sends me little messages every day just to say how much she loves me.
- Thankful for my sister and my cute little nephew. i'm so glad you're staying at home for christmas and can't wait to make decorations with you this year. yippee!
- Thankful for glen's jokes and baby voices we only use for each other. i think we made up our on language a while ago that only we understand!
- Thankful for my friend’s nat and alex, who make me dinner whenever glen's not at home (even if they do argue over who's the best cook whenever i go round!)
- Thankful for my home and all the creaks and cracks that go with it. however the mouse that keeps making an appearance in our kitchen i'm not so thankful for!
- Thankful for my sleepy time tea.....................
i think it's finally made me zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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