We're watching Holiday Inn {the perfect festive film}whilst finishing off some of the wrapping and drinking mulled cider. Our home is full of home made decorations, our tree is happily twinkling in the corner and glen and I are snuggled up on the sofa.
This is our first christmas spent together and i'm hoping to introduce glen to some of our family traditions.
- opening one present from the tree on christmas eve (we had to make a very reluctant glen do this one)
- eating breakfast in our P J's whilst opening our stocking presents.
- opening presents from the tree before lunch
- festive film watching
- lots of board game playing and taking a brisk walk after lunch.
I hope you all have an amazing christmas.
photos taken from around my house
my mum. our tree with a very snowy street outside. home made apple and cranberry chutney given as gifts. presents all wrapped by me (i'm obsessed with brown paper and string!)
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