I had the loveliest weekend.
my friend nat and i danced to pop songs like two little girl's, without a care in the world. went to the lido in london fields and basked in the beautiful sunshine. stubbled upon borough market (amazing food!). and was taken out for dinner by the best and funniest person i know(glen). I’m just so annoyed i forgot my camera!
it’s now bank holiday monday and i’ve also had a great day meeting friends for a swim and going for a yummy thai lunch. This is what life's all about - enjoying it!
i’ve been really stressed recently. i haven’t worked since i got back from India, which has been a while and i’ve been struggling with not being creative, productive and well just using my brain. this is one of the reasons i started this blog. i wanted to write my feelings here like i would a diary, and honestly it has kept me sane. i look forward to taking photo’s and having fun day’s out, so that i can share it here.
although i’ve had day’s where i’ve felt lonely, sad and had a few too panic attacks about the future. I’m glad that i’ve had this time to get to know myself more. i lost myself in work at the end of last year. i was unhappy, stressed and not fulfilled in my job.
i’ve never been one to think that life is all about work, i’ve always wanted to travel and this is why at 18 i flew around the world on my own. i’ve realised that i’m so lucky to have the opportunities that i’ve been given.
Anyway this brings me to tell you that I’ve just got a job and although i’m slightly nervous, i’m also excited and anxious. I don’t know if my chosen careers right for me anymore, but i’m going to be patient and see what happens. i still don’t know what i want to be when i’m older but right now i’m okay with that.
I also just want to say thanks to glen, my family and friends for supporting me these few months and sorry i’ve been a little emotional at times.
I love you.
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