I'm procrastinating a lot.
I have a half packed bag sat in the corner of my room,
I have cried 3 times today
and I desperately need to get some sleep.
So today my house mate
{who has become so much more these past few months}
told me she's moving out,
I then sat there with her and my other house mate
(who's moving too!)
These girls are like sisters to me, i see them everyday,
I moan to then, get annoyed with them, and borrow their clothes, but I also laugh with them, share secrets with them and in this time, they have become my best friends.
Cat is leaving for Glasgow and Marie is moving back to Paris.
I hate change at the best of times, but this really hit me hard
and I don't know how much more of living in a house share i can take.
Meeting new people, starting over again.
I really want Glen and I to move out and move in to this
love nest that I've been dreaming about for the past 3 years,
but I'm not financially ready and the truth is, i'm not sure when i will be.
I'm off to Uganda on Thursday, and when i get home i will be faced with two new house mates, one of my house mates moving out and have to get a job.
My face is coming out in a rash just thinking about it.
I wish Glen wasn't working nights all this week and creeping in at 7 am every morning, i need him to talk to in bed and cuddle up to.
I'm not sure how i'm going to manage 3 weeks with out him.
Thank you for letting me rant, I really needed it tonight. I promise the next time I type
i'll be a bit happier!