I've been working long hours this week and will be for the rest of the month. I've been cranky because of this and I'm so tired i can't think properly.
I feel like I'm working so hard and putting in so much effort and not getting any satisfaction out of it.
I'm really not sure what i want to do, and that's okay with me. i like not having plans. i find that life never goes the way i expected it to, and as a result it's made me a lot happier.
at the age of 18 i travelled around the world on my own. i met so many wonderful people, that shaped me into the person i am now.
I went to university to study publishing at 19 - i only lasted 3 months. i hated it and i knew it wasn't for me instantly. it took 3 months to get the courage to admit i wasn't happy.
My sister found me work experience in t.v at 19 and I've been working in the industry ever since. it found me, more than i went looking for it. it came at the perfect time.
I met Glen from moving in to a house share with friends from work. We were friends first and then it just happened....... we feel madly in love with each other.
I have always felt that there was something missing in my life which i couldn't explain. not even to myself. i found what was missing when i went to Malawi last year.
I didn't go looking for any of these things to happen, but they did and it's made me the person i am now. i am so grateful for all of these adventures that I've experienced. I am a nicer, brighter, happier person because of it.
when times are hard and i can't face getting out of bed and seeing the world, i have to remind myself what i have achieved, and still can.
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